Kamis, 28 April 2011

Long Weekend (Family Time)

how about your long weekend?
mine was bunch of happiness..
I go to my hometown kediri...all of my family was came,me from surabaya and my sister and her husby from banjarmasin.
At friday me,my sister,my brother in law,and also my cute nephew and niece go around the town.
First, for our (my sister and i) new project,we go to the shop that sell cotton fabric..unfortunately,that shop was closed.
Then we go to eat meatball and go to supermarket to accompanied our 'bocah-bocah tengil' to bought a Ben 10 hair gel and Power Puff Girl body mist.
From supermarket we go to 'Simpang Lima Gumul' (SLG). The main purpose we go there is to make some photoshoot,hahahaks.....sorry for our narcism.
And here are some photos that we take...
Lihat monumen di belakang kami, itu adalah replika dari monumen Triumph de'arch di perancis (terinspirasi mungkin yaaa).
Kalau di Perancis monumen itu dibuat untuk mengenang kemenagan Napoleon Bonaparte, kalau monumen di SLG itu entahlah maksudnya apa...mungkin hanya sekedar untuk memperindah kota. O..ya, relief di monumen itu gambar tokoh-tokoh pewayangan (tapi maaf..saya tidak hafal) *jawamurtad ..hehehek

See ya....

Kamis, 21 April 2011

Hangin' out

Hello world...
It's been looooooong time I didn't post anything :)
Last week on saturday night I go to Grand City..there is charles&keith bazaar..sale up to 80%
As other women,I'm so excited to attending that event
And look..this is I've found at that bazaar..
Anyway..selamat hari kartini untuk perempuan-perempuan hebat Indonesia
Spread the kartini's spirit in your life

much love,